View Full Version : PINK Module

- 8th June 2006, 17:53
If anyone has used the PINK module by Parallax, please let me know. I am having great difficulty trying to interface it with a 16F876. The instructions provided is not very comprehensive and my limited knowledge of html doesn't help either. I wonder if they (Parallax) would get upset if I called for tech support to interface it with a Microchip PIC?

- 8th June 2006, 18:48
I wonder if they (Parallax) would get upset if I called for tech support to interface it with a Microchip PIC?

I don't see how they could get upset by that - I would NOT mention Pic Basic though!


- 8th June 2006, 19:31
The problem is that I copied the code provided from Parallax (below) and I was hoping no modifications are needed for the software. Well, it doesn't work and I am not sure if I have a wiring problem, although there is only 4 wires to hookup, or if I have a software issue. I'll keep playing around with it but I was curious if anyone on this forum has interfaced the PINK module with a Microchip PIC.

- 8th June 2006, 23:49
I've got one.... but haven't had time to work with it yet. You might look through thier forums for answers. Make sure you have the baud rate and other settings set according to your code. Also, post your code.... we might be able to see something. I'll try to spend a little time with the one I've got and see if I can get it working. Just moved into a new house, so I'll have to find it first!

- 9th June 2006, 11:53
Well, I got it working (for a short period) and the problem was in the serial out and serial in portion but there is something strange. I my code, I have serin2 as portc.4 and serout2 as portc.5. I pinned these to the PINK module on the serial in and serial out pins. The strange thing is when they are pinned correctly (i.e., serout to serial out and serin to serial in) it doesn't work. After being frustrated for many hours, I swapped the pins and now it works fine. What I think they meant was serial out needs to go to serin and vice versa......ultimately I was at fault but certainly confused by the documentation.

After working for a few hours on it last night, it doesn't work any more. I was messing with the IP settings and now I can't communicate with it anymore. I'll call Parallax today but does anyone know if there is a reset function? There is nothing in the documentation and I want to reset it to a default state. Otherwise, this is a great product....I can see some really interesting projects.


- 9th June 2006, 16:49
Always remember with serial communications devices the pins are labeled for their function. Serial TX/Serial RX. To communicate to and from a serial device TX/RX need to swap. The TX from one device needs to be received by the other (RX). Make sense? In the pc world a null modem cable/adapter does this for you.