View Full Version : [405]macro stack error

- 5th June 2006, 04:11
I get this error when compiling in microcode studio. A computer reboot cleared it the first time it happened, but not this time. It occurs on all of my programs...even those which have worked many times.
the full error line is: Internal TESTAD~2.ASM 83: [405] macro stack error
anyone have any ideas?

- 5th June 2006, 21:16
I would contact MeLabs tech support directly on that one.

This is an internal error. Here's info on it from PM.TXT;

15. Internal Errors

These errors are not documented, because they should not occur. If they
occur, technical support should be contacted and a copy of the code
producing the error should be made available.

400 Attempt to Free Non-Allocated Memory [Pointer]
401 Attempt to Reference Non-Allocated Memory [Pointer]
402 Attempt to Pop Empty Symbol Table Stack
403 Attempt to Exit on Empty File Stack
404 Attempt to Pop Empty Macro Stack
405 Macro Stack Error
406 Attempt to Pop Empty Conditional Assembly Stack
407 No Function Handler for 'Keyword'