View Full Version : Porblems with my PIC16F877A bootloader

- 8th May 2006, 13:39
Hi all,

I'm trying to program my PIC16F877A utilising:
PROMATE II as device programmer;
MPLAB IDE 7.31 as develpment environment;
the *.asm source file as provided by microchip;

The problem is the following:
after compiling the source file, a message error is displayed:

Programm memory errors
Address Good Bad Voltage
000001 00158a 000000 5.000000

EEData memory errors
Address Good Bad Voltage
000000 0000ff 000000 5.000000

ID memory errors
Address Good Bad Voltage
000000 00000c 000000 5.00000

Concerning Configuration Bits I have configurated it by means the appropriate window of MPLAB.

I have encountered the same problem (errors) using the command-line program PROCMD (sending to the PIC device the *.hex file).

Is there anyone who could give me new ideas?
I'm very sad!
Thanks a lot

- 30th May 2013, 00:02
If possible use a scope to test your programming voltage on VPP while programming, it must be at least 14 volt, if that is so then your chip might be damaged