View Full Version : symbol not prev. def. _INTRC_OSC 16F88

- 8th May 2006, 11:15
; Set fuses:
;================================================= =========================================

@ __config _CONFIG2, _FCMEN_OFF & _IESO_OFF

_HS_OSC, _XT_OSC does work but I want to use the internal 8MHz oscillator.
I have already comment out the config in the INC file.
The INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT is placed in the M16F88.INC file under the PBP/INC directory so that shouldn't be the problem.

error is: Error[113] C:\XWISP2\TAP.ASM 391 : Symbol not previously defined (__INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT)

I use the MPASM assambler and PBP2.44

- 8th May 2006, 11:24
Is that a double underscore __ instead of a single _ before the INTRC?

- 8th May 2006, 11:54
Double before config, rest is single
The error message shows two underscores indeed, but when I delete the single underscore before INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT in my code then the following message is displayed:
Error[113] C:\XWISP2\TAP.ASM 391 : Symbol not previously defined (INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT)

The only working oscillator configs are HS_OSC, XT_OSC, LP_OSC

- 8th May 2006, 12:55
Found the error:
When I took another close look at the 16F88.INC file I saw this line:

INCLUDE "p16F88.INC" ; MPASM Header

instead of the M16F88.INC for the PM, so I looked in the p16F88 file and then saw _INTRC_IO

I never noticed it before because LP HS and XT are the same and never used the internal osc before. Next time I'll wait till I'm fully awake and than read the file again before asking.

- 29th July 2011, 22:33
Used to have PM until a few days, it took me just one hour to notice I was searching the P16F88.INC file in the wrong place.

Using MPASM, search the file(s) in the "MPASM Suite" folder, not the PBP's... :o