View Full Version : Time between interupts

- 27th April 2006, 15:40
I'm looking for a creative solution or any ideas for a method of measuring the time between to rising edge interrupts using only pin B0 of an 877a chip.

I've basically got an external PWM signal that I am monitoring using a B0 pin interupt using the "Instant Interrupts" that Daryl created (Great by the way). The interupt is triggered on the rising edge and processes a small subroutine before exiting the interrupt. After exiting the interupt the PIC processes other code while it looks for the next rising interupt. The interupt and subroutine work great, but I need to know how often the interrupt occurs.

I have not tried this yet, but I was thinking of using the COUNT command to count the number of pulses over a certain period of time, but I am not sure if the COUNT command will work and not be effected by the interrupt.

I apreciate any input.

paul borgmeier
- 27th April 2006, 15:48
If you like Darrel's Instant Interrupts, you also might want to try his routines to measure time between events. His post for that is here


If your time is going to be greater than 2^16 instruction, you may need to modify his code to count overflows.

Paul Borgmeier
Salt Lake City, Utah

- 27th April 2006, 18:02
Thats pretty sweet, I'll have to see if I can get that one to work. It sounds like it will do exactly what I need and much more accurately.