View Full Version : use of ccp mode

- 26th January 2006, 14:32
Hi All,

This is no PIC Basic, but I'm wondering if this little problem is caused by my PC or if it's general, I log in to the forum, read my post, try to reply and get told to log in first. That every time.

If it's in the forum system OK, I'll just log in again. If it's my machine, I'd like to correct it.

Any infos or ideas?



- 26th January 2006, 16:29
The forum automatically logs you out after a period of 'no-activity'. It's annoying, it happens to me too. If I reply to a post and take too long in composing the reply, then it asks me log-in again when I press the submit-reply button.

- 26th January 2006, 16:39
ouf i thought i was the only one.

Is there any way to increase this TimeOut delay?

- 27th January 2006, 04:07
I never log in except if I come to this forum from a different computer. I'm always signed in and all I did was check the box that says something to the effect of "keep me signed in" when I first logged in.

I don't think I belong to any forum where this isn't an option and it sure beats logging in all the time.


- 27th January 2006, 08:15
Hi All,

Thanks Melanie. Good to know I'm not the only one. Maybe we could ask the people responsible to increase the time delay.



- 27th January 2006, 08:35
Until today, 360 was the time in seconds that a user must remain inactive before any unread posts are marked read. 360 seconds was also how long a user will remain on Who's Online after their last activity.

I have changed that to 600.

Please remember to check the "keep me signed in" option.

- 6th April 2006, 10:45
hi frens,i m doin project of dc servo motor control using pic16f876.please guide me that hw can i use ccp mode to control the motor.please do help me,i m nt given any response for any of my doubts.i hv my deadline near to finish my project as this is a part of my final year curriculum,as i m a student b.e. electronics.thanking in anticipation.

- 6th April 2006, 11:17
Does that mean we get the commendation from your school for doing your project or homework? If YOU don't do it YOURSELF, then it does not reflect on your capabilities and rightly you should fail in your final year. It will be unfair to a future employer to hire you if you are incapable of doing the job.

May I suggest you start by looking at the Microchip Website or the Web Generally for any references to Motor Control Applications and then apply that knowledge to designing a circuit for your PIC16F876. If you unable to do this then I would question what you have been doing in class. I am sure your lecturer has set you a project which should be within the range of your capabilities and asking this forum to do your work for you is cheating.

- 6th April 2006, 13:30
i realy apologise for asking such a unfair help.i surely dont want forum to do job assignd to me.i have been reffering to application notes regarding my project n i have already prepared the schematics for my projetc,bt its coding part that scares me n latly i found myself stuck up(i accept it as my fault) n lost the patience.i heartly appologise for that n i thank u for correcting me madam,n teaching me tht begging shldnt be the approach,i honour u for tht.next time i vl come up only with genuine problems n vl mantain the decorum of the forum.
thanks for suggestion,i vl work harder.

- 6th April 2006, 13:51
If you have a schematic then that is a good starting point.

You can post the schematic and the forum will be able to give you suggestions if it is workable and as to how to proceed with your code.

Like your other posting, once we see something tangible from you, we can make comments and guide you if you are doing something wrong.

- 6th April 2006, 13:58
so kind of u to take it very simply,i vl surely send u the schematics.thanks for ur kind concerns.