View Full Version : Microcode Studio Problems

- 25th March 2006, 17:47
Hi I recently had wipe my harddrive and start over. I'm using PicBasic Pro 2.44, MicroCode Studio Plus and I downloaded MicroChips MPLAB 7.0. I made a simple Program to compile just to see if I had everything configured right and I got this error message.

Warnin[230]C:\pbp244\18f458.inc20:_config has been deprecated for pic18 devices. Use directive config.

Could some one tell me what this error is please. Here is my code.

TrisB.1 = 0
PortB.1 = 1
pause 1000
PortB.1 = 0
Pause 1000
Goto Loop

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with my code but how I have microcode configured.


- 25th March 2006, 18:00
I'm sorry I Jumped the gun I found a thread with my answer thanks