View Full Version : Accessing the upper 64Kbytes with READCODE

Charles Linquis
- 14th March 2006, 02:08
PBP has the statement READCODE, which accepts a word variable as an argument. However, I want to read bytes in the upper half of program memory in an 18F8722 (greater than location 65535).
Can anyone tell me how to do this?

Charles Linquis
- 14th March 2006, 21:08
I'm realizing that I probably need an assembly language subroutine to read the values. Does anyone have a routine written to do that?

- 14th March 2006, 21:22
never did something like that but i can figure you'll need to use TBLRD stuff.

Maybe the embedded string in your code space thread may help. Look the Bruce example.

Well it's still just a pure guess. Sorry if i'm wrong.

Anyone else can second this thought?