View Full Version : RTC Problem

- 10th March 2006, 23:34
I used the schematic just as Sayzer had said. The input buttons work fine but once I finish the last step, the lcd shows 00:00:00 00/00/00. I am using PBP with a 16f876a with a 20 mhz oscilator. Here is the code and schematic (please forgive it, it was done in paint). in the original schematic, a 16f628a was used to interface with the DS1302. RB1 and RB2 were used as clk signal and I/O per the datasheet. Since I am using the 16f876a, it has three pins for the spi bus, clk, in , out. Also, the buttons are touchy, is there anyway to make them less sensitive. I appreciate and help. Thanks

- 11th March 2006, 02:02
If your pin has a schmidt trigger input (check the chip spec), you can try debouncing switches by adding a .01uF-.1uF cap between the pin and ground.


- 11th March 2006, 05:13
Sayzer, it works great. Bruce helped me out. I still had the A/D on pins RA0-RA2. That was the problem. Thanks for all the help. I put caps 0.1uF caps on the buttons and it helped a little. Once again, thanks.