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View Full Version : Bored?... Need a project for school?...

- 10th March 2006, 10:19
For those bored teenagers out there looking for PIC projects...

Kinda like a Propeller Clock but with more imagination...


Now if you want to really earn some money (other than a morning paper-round)... program-in an advert for Budweiser Beer (or similar) as you ride to school (or do the morning paper-round!). Who says you don't get good money-making ideas on this forum!

- 10th March 2006, 20:25
that will be perfect to fit on my wheelchair... with some modification i guess :)

- 10th March 2006, 21:00
Welcome back Steve. :)

- 10th March 2006, 21:06
Yes, nice to have you with us and posting again Steve...

- 10th March 2006, 21:14
Thank you Melanie and keithdoxey.

It's harder to type, and i'm really much slower but i'm still there.

- 11th March 2006, 01:04
Welcome back Mister E.

Take your time and heal well! I know I've missed your insight on many of the past posts. Looking forward to your wisdom in the future!
