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View Full Version : Pulsin

- 3rd March 2006, 02:04
Does Pulsin command automatically set designated port pin to digital (if for example the Port is analog)? I'm guessing not.

- 3rd March 2006, 06:54
You guessed right. Setting Ports to Analogue is one of your housekeeping jobs.

- 4th March 2006, 01:49
Thanks, What about the tris register, does this command set port pin to an output. If so, does it then remain in this output state?

- 4th March 2006, 07:22
I always set TRIS manually - it's only one instruction per Port. If PICBasic commands set it as well, then all's well and good, if they don't, then you've done it.

- 6th March 2006, 16:57
You're a wealth of knowledge, thanks. Is that a pic of you?

- 6th March 2006, 17:03
Last I looked in the mirror it was pretty close. Would be kinda daft putting up a pic of somebody else. Perhaps one of Patrick Starfish (my hero) from Spongebob Squarepants fame.