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View Full Version : HIDmaker from Trace Systems

- 3rd March 2006, 00:37
For anybody that has HIDmaker from Trace Systems, this question is for you. I have complied a program on both sides, on for the PIC and one for the PC. I load the program into the PIC, so far so good. I pull up the VB portion and it looks good. When I go to run the VB program, it keeps telling me that "unable to find USB device." I checked the device manager and the computer sees the PIC but for some reason VB is saying it can't see it. Can anyone help me?



- 23rd March 2006, 22:14
For anybody that has HIDmaker from Trace Systems, this question is for you. I have complied a program on both sides, on for the PIC and one for the PC. I load the program into the PIC, so far so good. I pull up the VB portion and it looks good. When I go to run the VB program, it keeps telling me that "unable to find USB device." I checked the device manager and the computer sees the PIC but for some reason VB is saying it can't see it. Can anyone help me?



Since you bought the software and payed big bucks for it. your are entitled for a full customer support from trace systems. Call Dr miller he will help you