View Full Version : building a serial LCD using 16f84a

- 4th February 2006, 12:24

i was try to build a serial LCD using PIC16f84a,but then it does not works.can any body help me.

here are the code to transmit
if sensor90R = 1 then
serout portb.7,6,[$fe,1,"90 right"]
pause 100
gosub rotate90CW

if sensor45R = 1 then
serout portb.7,6,[$fe,1,"45 right"]
pause 100
gosub rotate45CW

if sensor45L = 1 then
serout portb.7,6,[$fe,1,"45 left"]
pause 100
gosub rotate45CCW

if sensor90L = 1 then
serout portb.7,6,[$fe,1,"90 left"]
pause 100
gosub rotate90CCW
here are the code to receive
i try program it to read it serially to other pic that connect to the lcd
something like the code below.

serin portb.0,6,[$fe,1,"90 right"],dataIN
lcdout dataIN
pause 1000
serin portb.0,6,[$fe,1,"45 right"],dataIN
lcdout dataIN
pause 1000
serin portb.0,6,[$fe,1,"45 left"],dataIN
lcdout dataIN
pause 1000
serin portb.0,6,[$fe,1,"90 left"],dataIN
lcdout dataIN
pause 1000

the problem is, if sensor90L = 1 the lcd are not display the "90 left", but it has to follow order to display the each of the text.means that, sensor90R must detect first then the text "90 right" will appear and so on.im am new to this, anyone plz help me!