View Full Version : elapsed time between two led flash...

- 2nd February 2006, 22:41
Hi to all, Im new on the PICBASIC world...
I need to programming a PIC (if it is possible a 16F84) with a PICBASIC code that:

-Read by a photoreceiver the flashing of a green ligth (visible) led
-show on a LCD display the time between a blink (flash) and the next. The led flashing never stop but frequency could change.

tipical frequency is from 2Hz (2 blink/sec) to 0.05 Hz (20 sec between a flash and another)

I would like if you could provide me a circuit to do it, also.

Thanks a lot.


- 3rd February 2006, 10:13
The schematic only is also appreciated...
The model of phototransistor (to read the ligth of the led) and the circuit to connect this one on a pin of the PIC.


- 4th February 2006, 19:50
Ooooo a lot of friends..

Thanks to all!!

- 5th February 2006, 16:09
At the risk of sounding rude...

This sounds a lot like a homework problem.

And most of the folks on these boards don't do homework for people.

* * *

Google around for optical detector circuits. Check the compiler manual and you'll learn how to connect and program the LCD. Read the datasheet and you'll learn all about timers.

If you can show us what you've tried so far, we can probably guide you in the right direction. But if you're expecting sourcecode + schematics to be magically plopped in your inbox, you've likely come to the wrong place.