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View Full Version : Can't find programmer

Russ Kincaid
- 31st January 2006, 20:35
I got my program to compile, finally, but now the program reports: "unable to find programmer". I have the programmer (elproducts.com) connected to the serial port. I built the cable myself, it is about 18 inches long and has 5 wires. Do I need to do something so the program can find the programmer?

- 31st January 2006, 21:18
What programmer are you using? Model? Software revision? Does the software know what serial port your plugged into? Have you ohmed out your cable to make sure everything is correct? Does the programmer support the pic model you are using? Also, please finish your last thread HERE (http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=3210). There were some questions for you that were not answered.

Russ Kincaid
- 1st February 2006, 11:55
I am using Microcode Studio and PicBasic Pro Demo compiler. The programmer is "EZPIC". I am getting my info from Chuck Hellebuyck's book, " Programming PIC Microcontrollers With PicBasic".
The software was recently downloaded, so it should be up to date. I am using PIC 16F627A which is supposedly supported. My computer has only one serial port (other than USB ports). How does the program know how to find the serial port?

- 1st February 2006, 13:22
It's been awhile since I've done this, but isn't there a screen to set up what programmer you are using in Microcode Studio? I'm at work right now and don't have it loaded on this machine. I looked up your programmer... I really hate it when they don't have a link to the documentation on the website! I'm thinking your problem is just a setting somewhere in Microcode Studio.

Russ Kincaid
- 1st February 2006, 16:26
Thanks for your help. "When all else fails, read the instructions!" I got the program configured, now when I try to program there is no error message. I don't know if the PIC is programmed or not, I plugged it into the circuit and nothing happens. But, that is the next hurdle. Thanks again.

- 1st February 2006, 17:49
Happy to help.