View Full Version : Can a TMR interrupt stops HSERIN?

- 24th January 2006, 01:07
Hi people,

Im using an 16F877 in a RS485 network. Everything is working fine except when a have noise on the network.

Im using HSERIN (without interrupt) and when I have noise on the network it cant use the timeout statement. When this happens, the program stop until the HSERIN command execute the time out. But I lost some information of the other pins that are counting some events.

The best thing to do is to eliminate the interferente (I know this) but Im trying to do a "noise proof" program, this means that even if I cant communicate I wont lost the counting.

Ï was thinking to use a timer interrupt like this:

INTCON.2 = 0
TMR0 = $00 ' reload TMR0
T1CON.0 = 1 'Start timer1 again
HSERIN 50,Inicio,[WAIT("A"),Data_Rec(0)...]
T1CON.0 = 0 'Stop timer1 while we're messing with it

Where I enable the interrupt only during the serial RX using a timer overflow > 50ms (the HSERIN timeout). If a serial lockup occurs, the timer interrupt will save me! With this I think I can resolve the problema.

What do you think? Problems? Sugestions? Any tip will help!

Best Regards,
