View Full Version : PBP compatible with Velleman k8048 programmer?

- 14th January 2006, 08:50
I'm using PBP, and I need a new programmer. I found the Velleman k8048 kit (http://www.velleman-kit.com/ot/en/product/view/?id=350903). Is PBP generated HEX code compatible with this programmer?


- 14th January 2006, 09:32

The secret in a good programmer - any programmer - is the programming SOFTWARE. Velleman are interested ONLY in selling kits in bulk. They're not interested in keeping the software updated, which means you will be stuck with that very small and limited list of PICs.

So lets take an example... yes it does the 16F876 and 16F876A, but it doesn't do it's bigger brothers (natural upgrage path) such as 18F242, 18F2420 etc etc. What about 20p PICs (16F785)? It should be capable of it, but NO. This makes it a very limited programmer with zero support.

So the answer to your question is YES, PICBasic HEX code will work with this programmer, BUT, think long and hard if you want to spend money on something so limited in it's capability from a company that has no interest in supporting the product with new PIC releases. The software you get with it, will probably be the software that will go into the bin with it.

Save your money and look for something that isn't a toy from a company that has an interest in keeping updates and support for it's programmer.

You want a GOOD programmer, try one offered by MeLabs (www.MeLabs.com) or elnec (www.elnec.com) eg http://www.elnec.com/pikprogplus.php (just look at how many devices are supported, 3620 at January 2006, and how often they bring out FREE downloadable updates supporting even more). Compare that to Vellemans pathetic tiny list. Elnec's software and support especially is superb. It is worth paying just a little more, but you get a LOT more in return.

- 14th January 2006, 19:06
i'll second Melanie on that. Here in Canada, it seems that BK844A from BK Precision (http://www.bkprecision.com/www/np_searchmodel7.asp?lf=EPROM+Programmers.
) is a re-labelled of Elnec's SMARTPROG (http://www.elnec.com/smartprog.php)

For those who look for a universal one, it's the one i highely recommend. Same for all BKPrecision ones.

- 18th January 2006, 21:41
I agree that the Velleman is not very versatile and only programs a few of the many pics available. But.... if one is experimenting and creating only a few small prototype projects it will work OK.
My very first programmer was the Velleman kit, and to date, it has worked well. Of course, I only program PICS occassionally and only stick with designs that I can program, but there's enough that I can do with this programmer to keep me busy for a long time considering I only do this between work, family, and every thing else I need to do around the house.
Having said that, a more versatile programmer would be better, but so far, my projects include:
1) Automatic remote flash trigger for my digital camera, 12F629
2) Heart Rate Monitor with output via RS232 to PC or Palm using the 16F627
3) Voltage and current 4 digit LED display (multiplexed) for a desktop power supply using the 16F819
4) Accelerometer using an ADXL202 with PWM output and the 16F628.

Of course, the invaluable help available on these forums makes things a lot easier!!!

Again, these aren't very complicated, but not bad for a weekend programmer and a very limited selection of PICS.

- 19th January 2006, 07:55
Thanks everyone, think I'll go for the velleman-kit for now, and if I'm still keen in a few years, I'll upgrade to a proper one. Programming 3000 different PICs isn't really something crucial for me at this point.


- 19th January 2006, 13:20
Hi, Henrik

As you get an Hex file from PbP, it's not a problem to use that programmer ...it won't program automatically the chip, just call back the hex file to your programmer's soft ...

If config bits are not available by your programmer soft, you can even modify them in PbP files ... ( a bit boring, but it works !!! )

What you must look at is wich Pic are supported :as Zeke says, many, many projects can be realised with a limited range of processors.

I've mainly used 12F683, 675, 16C84, 16F84, 16F628, 16F648, 16F876 and 16F877 at this day. They cover over 80 projects, mainly for R/C stuff .You will see those processors are supported by lots of " simple " and " old " programmers.

Many times, your brain will show you simple solutions to use very basic processors instead of " up to date " unavailable power monsters, just adding some logic or analog circuit around.

As you're not a professionnal ... some ( really few ) more bucks or Euros in a project is not a problem ...

One day, may be you'll get a " Picmonsterprog Plus More Over " on Ebay ... and you' ll write on this Forum :

" I have a 18F8722 , .... I need help for setting Timer 0 or I/Os ..."
... Humour !!!

Good progs,
