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View Full Version : HSerOut 16F877 Interrupt Driven

- 9th January 2006, 10:22
Hi Help

Has anyone got a very simple PICBasic PRO Example showing the bare bone of a program to Output Data Via Hardware Serial Out using interrupts, need to know what to enable and how to kick it off. Very Very New to PIC's but need to jump into the deep end. Thanks in Anticipation for your Help.

Regards Henry

- 13th January 2006, 01:40
If your are still in need,attached is a simple serial interrupt program.I find two serial input instructions make it operate more reliably.The first initiates the interrupt,the second is the data.This means you must xmit two serial instructions to the pic with a delay between.

- 15th January 2006, 00:09
Many thanks.
Regards Henry