View Full Version : Problem With Bootloader And Portb.3

- 31st December 2005, 14:57
i have a strange problem when having programmed 16f876 with pic downloader 1. 08 .
PORTB.3 is OFF when this should be ON. I don't understand!!!
Help me ,please..
Best Regards,

P.S. : when instead program the Pic 16F876 through the programmers EPIC ,all works correctly!

****** TEST DEMO *********

@ DEVICE pic16f876, WDT_OFF ; Watchdog Timer OFF
DEFINE LOADER_USED 1 'Required if ISP is used
define OSC 4
Define __16F876

Output PORTB.0 'OK
Output PORTB.1 'OK
Output PORTB.2 'OK
Output PORTB.3 'NOK
Output PORTB.4 'OK
Output PORTB.5 'OK
Output PORTB.6 'OK
Output PORTB.7 'OK

PORTB = %11111111


- 31st December 2005, 16:10
Looks like you didn't turn off LVP (low voltage programming) which is signaled by pin B3. I don't think you can use this pin unless you disable LVP.

Try turning this off in your programmer or in your source and see if it works.
