View Full Version : 16F877 and boot loader

- 28th December 2005, 01:49
I am using a 16F877 chip and a flash77 development board with microcode studio.
Everything works fine as long as the chip is inserted in a board. I tested the program and I moved the chip to a prototype board to test it in real life. Nothing happen. I have attached to the prototype board the same lcd used with the flash board, but the lcd is blank. It supposed to display program name and revision level, but does not display anything. Pressing buttons on the prototype board remain without feed back.
Looks like the program does not start running on its own. On the flash board I start the program by clicking on the run button on the screen, but how I can make it to start here without being attached to the computer?
Ion George

- 29th December 2005, 03:22
Hi Ion,

Assuming you have power, /MCLR, and the ocsillator connected properly, it should work fine. Be sure you're not using the ICD/Compile button when compiling. If you do, the PIC will not run your code without a serial connection & running the MCS+ ICD.