View Full Version : Bootloader with ICDREAD/ICDWRITE

- 24th December 2005, 00:15
I am using MicroCode Studio v2.2.1.1 and PBP v2.43.

I use a bootloader and therefore prefix all my PBP programs with

As expected, this results in a hex file with a GOTO statement in the first word, a gap of three words, and the rest of the program.

However, when I use I2CREAD/I2CWRITE in my PBP program, the resulting hex has an extra instruction (CLRF) before the GOTO statement. This is causing a problem with my bootloader (Bloader from sparkfun.com) because it expects to see the GOTO statement at location 0.

Does anyone know why the I2CREAD/I2CWRITE instructions cause this behavior. Is this possibly a PBP compiler bug?

- 24th December 2005, 09:02
You reaaaaaalllly should think to buy thw full Versio of MCS + bootloader instead. All free bootloader are crap and problem source.

Come on! It's still less the amount of many software :o)

Worth every $ you invest in. Same for an PBP update. As far as i'm aware of... 2.46 is the current version

Forget the idea of Free stuff... it's always a pain in the bfbfbbfpfpfpfpfffff!