View Full Version : newbie and array

- 18th December 2005, 21:24
I made IR receiver board with lcd. It works and I found codes for remote that i will be using. I used example from web to read values from IR. Now I have 8 bit value in array that is stored like:

if IRpulse_length[9] < 100 then
Command[0] = 0
Command[0] = 1

It goes from Command[0] to Command [7] and fills array.
I managed to display it on lcd using
for i = 0 to 7
print at 1,i+1, bin Command[i]
next i

Question is now that i know that for example play button is 00001000 how can i compare it with array. I tried diferent combinations with val(array1,bin) etc etc but nothing is working...

- 18th December 2005, 23:40
Sorry, solved using command.x