View Full Version : MagCard reader (track 2 & 3)

- 9th December 2005, 02:24
hi! i have here a magstripe reader for track 2 & 3.
pinouts: 2x data, 2x clock, 1x cardpresent?.

has someone a pic code for reading track 2 & 3?
i have seen melanie's code for track 2 (very good).. but i need track 3 too.
can someone modify this code or give me a another code for read tack 2&3?

please help me someone.



- 10th December 2005, 16:53
I have to agree with melanie on this request.

This is her response in another tread:


Stay far away from Track 3 and be very careful with Track 2. As a hobbiest you don't need to utilize much of the track 2 data for any project. I use the first 8 digits of the account number and that is it.

BTW I won't post or offer up my code. Melanie has provided the skelton that I worked off of. I have had far too many requests for it and there are legal implications if it is used improperly.

- 25th November 2006, 13:28
Can someone post backword reading of track 2 ?