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View Full Version : Forum crash ?

- 5th March 2004, 12:52
a number of posts got lost (or have been deleted)

- 5th March 2004, 15:07
I noticed that this morning. Kind of sucks. I wanted to read about the DIV32 / DS2404 time chip thread.

- 5th March 2004, 22:51
Is there any chance that the "lost" posts will be restored?

- 6th March 2004, 03:49
Hi, actually the forum did not crash.

WE upgraded the server and in doing so we did loose a few posts.

Next week we will have the old server running "on the bench" we maybe able to restore some of the missing posts, it depends on how much time we have and the number of posts that were dropped.

My feeling is that only a few posts were dropped, but until we have time to view the old data, we will no know exactly.

The data is NOT kept on the server that was exchanged, thus in thoery we should not have lost any posts at all, but thats the theory;-) in practice some were dropped :-( My guess is that they were the ones that were being processed at the time of the server exchange.

- 10th March 2004, 18:19

is there any chance that the missing posts will be restored?

There are a few members who are missing probably valuable replies to their threads.
(I'm one of them and I know at least one other member)

If there is no chance to get them restored this is something we've got to live with, but please don't leave us in the dark.


- 11th March 2004, 09:11
1) the server that was exchanged is not back with us yet. So we cannot carryout any investigation to see if there were any lost posts. So right now we cannot confirm your thoughts one way or another.

2) when the server is returned to us, we will investigate and if there are posts that we can recover that are missing from this forum, AND we have the spare resource we will add them to this forum.

3) If you are certain that you are missing a post ( and it can only be one or two, NOT several), why not re post asking the original responder to re post their response.