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- 2nd November 2005, 11:08
for myself, living in south africa and having a faster than usual internet connection, it would be very cool if you could get a full version of pbp or other basic compiler on the internet for creditcard purchase or something.

if i wanted one currently, i'd have to drive two hours to a major city just to order one or order off the internet and wait a month for the thing to come from the USA.

please help!!

- 2nd November 2005, 11:36
Really you should direct this to Jeff at MeLabs... details here... http://www.melabs.com/contact.htm

If you give him a call, and your Credit Card over the phone, he'll send a copy to you... and Express AIRMAIL is only a week (two at most) to/from the USA regardless where you are in the world.

I know, I know, we live in a world where we want everything instantly...

- 2nd November 2005, 14:11
thanks for listening. perhaps im wanting this thing too quickly.
i'll saee what i can organise with him.

- 3rd November 2005, 13:18
perhaps im wanting this thing too quickly.

Hi, Nitro

Keep cool : it took me 5 months NOT to get my 2.46 PBP release from the french official retailer ... thanks to Crownhill, I got it in 10 days from England !!!
