View Full Version : I2Cwrite and I2CRead speed!

- 2nd November 2005, 10:50
Hi people,

I want to make 3 pics comunicate via I2C bus. For the master I have used the PBP instructions and for the slave i ve made a routine with the information i ve found in this forum, thx guys.

it seems to work quite well. I am actually working at a speed of 100KHz but i would like to work slower... I tried to change the master SSPADD register but I found this morning that PBP function don t use the MSSP module :P

So my question is: Is it possible to change the comunication speed, to lower than 100KHz? I ve tried the I2C_slow 1 define but it s not enought...

2nd question: what does the control byte in the i2c functions is for exactely, when u comunicate with 2 PICs?

thx people.