View Full Version : Hyperterminal

- 29th October 2005, 07:21
DOes anyone knows how to use the hyperterminal to send data back from a microcontroller to a pc program like Excel. Or if you can send me your favorite link that would be great
Thanks you

- 30th October 2005, 03:52
If it was me I would make a little terminal program in something like Visual Basic and use the office com objects to write to a excel spreadsheet.

www.planetsourcecode.com has lots of terminal program examples.

- 31st October 2005, 16:47
Is it easier to write a Vb program? what's the other alternative...Thanks for the reply

If it was me I would make a little terminal program in something like Visual Basic and use the office com objects to write to a excel spreadsheet.

www.planetsourcecode.com has lots of terminal program examples.

- 31st October 2005, 18:44

Use the HyperTerminal feature "Capture text". (Menu transfer).
With the PIC send Comma Separated Values (CSV) to HyperTerminal.

* * *

Step 1:
Start "Capture text" in HyperTerminal. (File xyz.cvs)

Step 2:
With the PIC send the comma separated values to HyperTerminal.

Step 3:
Close the file in HyperTerminal. "Capture text/Stop". (Menu Transfer).

Step 4:
Open the comma separated value (CSV) file with Excel.

* * *

The Comma Separated Value (CSV) File Format:

Best regards,


- 1st November 2005, 00:18
Thanks Luciano