View Full Version : Basic18

- 27th October 2005, 07:03
Hi all,
In migrating to 18f devices, could basic18 be of any advantage. I would appreciate the chat on the issue if anyone has time to lay down their experience with their structured basic...
Thanks All.....

- 27th October 2005, 16:39
depending of how many different compiler you want to mess with between different application. My own opinion is to use always the same when it's possible. That way, you don't have to get familiar with their specific function every time youbuild something.

I don't see any advantage of Basic18 over PBP.

Maybe someone else have another opinion and willing to share it here?

- 28th October 2005, 00:58
I think the ease in porting from one processor type to another is worth its weight in gold. I would hate to be limited to one specific processor family. Besides, I haven't seen any commands in basic18 that make it worth buying over PBP. How's the support with basic18?

- 28th October 2005, 05:48
thats great.... would love to hear the conversation expanded on but i thank you guys for what you have said already...

- 28th October 2005, 16:37
a recent experience show me that once you're confortable with one compiler and you can do almost everything with... there's no need to switch to another. Look at the supported device list... MELABS support almost every PICs. Why changing?

BTW about the structured stuff... who's doing the program after all? It's you. Only you. Just develop your own structure and you'll be surprise to see you'll do far better than ANY other.

Of course "how to do and structure your program" is an endless story but look at the thousands code example here and on other forums (C, Basic, .... ) You'll probably find something to work with to developp your own method.

If you have some spare time, reload one of your previous program. Try to shrink it to the max, try to extract what's comming often in (I2CWRITE, HSERIN, PAUSE... ) and try to do something with. Could be an annoying task or not depending on you. Acting as a human code optimiser never killed anybody ... as far as i remind.

Yes there's a place for a whole interesting discussion about how you do this and that but as nobody work the same way...

INCLUDE or not?
IDE or not?
GOSUBS or not?
Macros or not?
ADCIN or not?
BUTTON or not?
MELABS or another?

Well i far from the original question and i do my apologies... my usual big mouth sorry :(