View Full Version : boot loader for 16f628a ?

- 19th October 2005, 20:11
I was wondering what people are using for a bootloader for the 16f628a ?

I have done some searching but it does not appear to be a popular chip for bootloaders.

I use pbp and microcode studio (which has a ICD but no bootloader for 16f628a)

- 19th October 2005, 20:26

As far as I know, the PIC16F628(a) can NOT write to it's own program memory. Hence, it can't be programmed via a bootloader. You may want to look at another chip - like the 16F88 for example. You can use a bootloader with that one.

To find out which PICs support bootloaders (at least if you're using MCSP), go to "C:\Program Files\Mecanique\MCSP\MCLoader\LoaderHEX" and look at the file names.


Dick Ivers
- 19th October 2005, 22:56
What is an example of a bootloader for 16F88? Where can I get it?

- 20th October 2005, 12:42
Dick Ivers,Mecanique has one that I use all the time. If you buy MicroCode Studio it come with the package. I use it w/16F88's all the time.

Dave Purola,

Dick Ivers
- 20th October 2005, 14:27
Thanks Dave..... I'll check it out.


- 5th January 2008, 02:07
Dick . . .
. . I also can sugest you to try Tiny PIC Bootloader.
(you can find it on http://www.etc.ugal.ro/cchiculita/software/picbootloader.htm )
