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View Full Version : Need info on B & K scope

- 17th October 2005, 21:04
I just got a B & K 1470 scope via ebay. It has a probe and it seems to work ok. I connected the probe to a channel input and get response when I touch the probe. But the probe has only one connection. The scope has a second input marked ground but I do not have a way to connect to this input. I presume I need to connect to this input and to the probe if I want to check a voltage. Where can I get the correct connector for this input? Alternatively, can I just make my own?

Would appreciate comments.

- 17th October 2005, 21:28
O.K we talking about this wonderful piece of equipement bellow

As i guess you can unscrew the Ground terminal?

Or maybe using like 'banana' plug, crocodile jumper could do the job

P.S. Is it possible to enable the HTML code here?

- 17th October 2005, 21:32

but you do know what a scope is and how it works, don't you?

I don't know the BK1470, but most scopes do have BNC connectrors for the probes.

Some probes have a short wire (4-5 inch) with an alligator clip for GND.

The GND connector on the scope usually is a simple 4mm socket. Any 4mm "Banana-Plug" should fit.

So you can easily build that cable on your own by taking a piece of wire and soldering a 4mm "Banana-Plug" to one end, and an "Alligator-Clip" to the other end.

- 17th October 2005, 21:34
O.K we talking about this wonderful piece of equipement bellow

Hey Steve, looks like you have got to live next to a Powerplant to use it?

And while using it you wouldn't need any additional heating, even in strongest winters.

Probably a lead jacket is a good accessory while sitting in front if the tube, or you will see your Thorax burnt onto the wall behind you.

- 17th October 2005, 22:00
Hi Ralph. I'm not 100% but i think that model is TUBE based one. Case not... it shouldn't be close to.

I still have an old TUBE one here. An old TeKtronik. It was my first one i got for 20$ at the college sale in the past. By turning the power on, you see the rooms light dimming. As you said, it produce an interesting heat while it run. Perfect to replace defective room heater, your wife/girlfriend or to keep your cofee/tea cup hot :)

Anyway, it's something good to start. Better than PC-Based software using PC-Sound card.

- 18th October 2005, 15:43
Thanks for the info.

The scope is 10x8x16"long. It has 2 channels, 2 inputs and 2 ground connections. As suggested, the ground connection unscrews and allows a lead to be connected. I presume this ground terminal is not the same as the ac power ground.

I intend the use the scope only for some relatively simple audio hobby work. I have an Elenco scope but the input stage went bad and I don't have any way to fix it.

The image posted by Steve is the correct one for the scope. A good way to present info. A very good forum.

Regards, George