View Full Version : CHROME won't lauch the forum's page - "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"

- 12th January 2023, 09:05
Hi there,

For y few weeks now, CHROME is displaying an error message "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" when I (want to) launch this forum.

The proposed solution is to clear the cache but this doesn't always work.

Other browsers work appearently well.

Anybody else having the same issue with CHROME?


- 12th January 2023, 14:08
Yes, we all do have same issue...


- 12th January 2023, 15:30
I use Chromium (spin off of Chrome) Version 108.0.5359.71 (Official Build) Built on Ubuntu , running on LinuxMint 19.3 (64-bit). No issues seen at my location in India.

Normal suggestion would be to create a new user if you're on Windows or Linux and try the browser from that user account (clean slate for browser).
Second option would be to try incognito mode to check if things work then.

If option 1 works, could you be having a browser hijack ??

- 12th January 2023, 16:01
It does not work even on a brand new PC and brand new Chrome. First time failing.
