View Full Version : Pic programming in production line

- 10th October 2005, 10:23
I am today using ICD2 and MPLAB to program some equipment in a production line using ICSP. The problem I am facing is that the operator can change my Configuration Bits so the product comes out from the line without the correct settings. This can happen by mistake or on purpose, either of it is bad for me. I would like to stick to ICD2 because it is really fast and does not cost a fortune, it also has a really good ICSP connector. The price of the programmer is important because there are several loading stations in combination with testing and calibration. Computers are used in the production to control the tested equipment. They are connected via LAN and the operator selects the correct HEX files from the server. If an operator selects wrong files this is detected by the test program in the PC because the SW-version reported to the PC will be wrong.

MPLAB has the big problem that what is selected in the Configuration Bits window will override the settings in the HEX file.

What does other people use to avoid this problem?
What SW is avaliable that only reads a HEX file and does not allow any modifications to the settings?

Best regards

- 12th October 2005, 17:18
not 100% sure if this will help. I have melabs programmer 3.20 software. In the options section you can check the option to "update configuration from file". this allows you to have the configuration settings in your hex file, and have those load up. or if you uncheck it then the config settings wont change on you. does your software have that option?