View Full Version : controlling leds with the switches

- 8th October 2005, 22:50
Hello guys, this is my first post :D

I am trying to address and control my 9 LEDs which are on RC1, RC2, RC3, RC4, RC5, RD0, RD1, RD2 and RD3 with my switches that are plugged in on my RB0 to RB7 and RD7 on my 18f452 chip.

It is going to be 32 LEDs if I can figure out the code for this proto 9 LEDs. I wrote some kind of pseudo code to work out my algorithm as well. I am sharing it below, you are going to have an idea afterwards presumably.

on press switch
if it is the first one that is pressed
if the led that is addressing this switch is on
take the led's address and put it in a variable
check if two rows up or down or left or right of any LEDs is on or off
if on
take this led's address and put it in another variable
check if one row up or down or left or right of any LED to this is on or off
if on
if off
check if those leds are in a horizontal or a vertical position
if true
get the address of the led and get the switch's address of this LED and store in var3
if false
if off
if off

if it is the second one that is pressed
if the led that is addressing this switch is on
if off
get the value from the var3 and light the LED according to this number
get the value from var1 and var2 and turn them off

// end

so this is the pseudo code I have, can anyone advice what path I should follow here.

Thanks in advance.

- 9th October 2005, 16:53
Step 1 - Define your pins. Add a variable to each pin you want to control. ie

Switch1 var PORTA.1

Step 2 - Add variables for temporary storage ie

Var1 var Byte
Var2 var Byte

Step 3 - Add main code. Here you want to place a lot of "if then" statements to get the status of the LED's and switches (pins), then what you want the program to do when those conditions are met.

What you are trying to do is very simple in PICBasic. Dive into the help file or manual to get an idea of all the commands PICBasic has to offer. Then download some examples that have similar code to what you are trying to accomplish. You will need to study the manual for the 18f452, as they will be some configuration needed to get all the pins to do what you want them to. Here is an example of some configuration on my 18F2520:

TRISA= %11101010
TRISC = %11010000
ADCON1 = %11111111
CMCON = %00000111
OSCTUNE = %00000011
OSCCON = %11111100
SSPSTAT = %00000000
SSPCON1 = %00100001

If you get stuck, check out the FAQ, or do a search here on the site. If all else fails post you question here, and folks will help out if they think that you genually have a problem and not just want some spoon feeding. Good luck!

- 12th October 2005, 21:02
hello I managed to do some coding but I got errors, here is the code: the explanation is below :

TRISB = %11111111
TRISC= %00000000
TRISD = %11110000

state var word

PORTC = %11111011
PORTD = %11111111

'if switch bottom is pressed
if PORTB.0 then
'put a flag that it is pressed with the state variable
state = 1
' the middle button is pressed and our state is 1
IF PORTB.2 and state == 1 THEN
' do readfirst subroutine
GOsub readFirst

IF PORTB.3 and state == 2 then
if portb.1 and state == 3 then
gosub readSecond
goto main

'check if middle led is turned off

IF PORTC.2 == 0 then
'if it is turned off then make the bottom led and the
one above it turned off
low PORTD.0
low PORTC.3
high PORTC.2
'problem here, should I set the others led again to
high, because
'they were high in the setup
'change our state to 2 in case not to worry about this
statement again

if portc.1 == 0 then
low portc.3
low portc.2
high portc.1