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View Full Version : EasyHID VB help with multiple HID's

- 30th September 2005, 16:04
My company builds USB ink cartridge testers. I have been given the task of writing a VB user interface. The interface must be able to handle mutiple devices at the same time. I'm a VB programmer but new to interfaceing with HID's. I have grabbed the EASYHID application. Very cool very cool. It works fine if my devices are attached at the time I bring up the application, however as soon as I unplug one of the devices all of the devices seem to be disabled as far as my VB application is concerned. I will send you the code if you feel necessary, but the code isn't much more than what EASYHID generates for me.

If this is not the right place to post my question I would appreciate any suggestions on where to post. I have already posted on USBMAN.COM.

Thanks in advanced


- 6th October 2005, 19:16
I have worked on some VB code in conjunction with EasyHID, if you would like to send me the code i will see if i can help.

