View Full Version : SEROUT without modedefs.bas possible?

- 11th September 2022, 08:07
I'm running low on memory, so inclusion of modedefs.bas is not possible.

All I need to do is to have simple statement like this

serout buz,t9600, [$7e,$ff,$06,$03,$00,$00,$03,$ef]

Can I do it without modedefs.bas ?

- 11th September 2022, 14:16
serout buz,2, [$7e,$ff,$06,$03,$00,$00,$03,$ef]


- 11th September 2022, 15:27
Including (or not including) modedefs.bas makes no difference what so ever to the size of the code.

- 11th September 2022, 16:11
serout buz,2, [$7e,$ff,$06,$06,$00,$00,$1e,$ef] increases code size from 6549 to 6639 bytes for my particular code.
but after I uncomment include modedefs.bas
I'm starting to get the following errors:

Bad BANK statement
Bad variable request address 0

If I reduce my code in size, then these errors go away.

- 11th September 2022, 16:19
That is strange as the modedefs.bas file is just an alias file for the text to numbers aliasing. It should not interfere with the code size.

As is the case with the common alias you do in your program, e.g.

myval var adresh

does not change the code size by any means.


- 11th September 2022, 17:00
Yes and also modedefs.bas does not like variable named BRIGHT. It gives error, when I try to include modedefs.bas and use that variable :)

- 11th September 2022, 17:53
There's something else going on. Can you post the code?

- 11th September 2022, 19:09
It is about 7K compiled, so lots of code in it...