View Full Version : Adapting a PICAXE program to PBP, to program a PIC (compiler Errors)

- 9th May 2022, 23:01
Hello to the Community.
I am using PBP Compiler version 2.46
I started by programming BasicStamp 2SX and then adapting the programs to fit into PiCs.

I switched to Picaxe (also programmable in Basic) and am now trying to adapt my Picaxe program to fit into a Pic12F629.

However, the compiler gives me errors that I don't understand :(
For example, it mentions undefined symbol names that do not exist in the program: GO_DONE, ADRESH, ...
What are these "extra tokens", ...?
Can you help me?

In appendix, print screen of the compiler errors and... the code.



' SERVO_TR PIC01.bas - "ON/OFF" Servo - Servo "Tout ou Rien"
' Adaptation for PBP compiler v2.4x (DO..LOOP..Until not supported !)
' V1.0 - 09/05/2022 - RGL
' Moves a servo to two preset positions, depending on the state of a logic input
' Servo signals adjustable from 0.75 ms to 2.25 ms
' -----------------------------------
' - In Normal Mode (Input Mode=1), the LED is on.
' - Set the logic input (S_Pos) to 0V or 5V to select either servo position.
' - In Configuration Mode (Input Mode=0), the LED is blinking.
' - The state of the S_Pos input will determine which position you are setting !
' - Turn the potentiometer in either direction: The servo follows the movement.
' - When the desired position is reached the LED goes out after a few seconds.
' - Then, return the configuration input to normal mode (High)
' The LED lights up again and the new position is stored in Eeprom.
' The system returns to Normal Mode with the new programmed position.
' - Do the same for the other position by changing the state of the S_Pos input.
'PotADC gives values from 0 to 255
'ServoPos delivers pulse values from 75 to 225 (0,75msec to 2,25msec)

' Pic Specifications
@ Device Pic12F629, intrc_osc, wdt_off, pwrt_on, mclr_off, protect_off 'DIP8
DEFINE OSC 4 ' 4Mhz Resolution=10µsec => 1 msec=100

CMCON = 7 ' Comparator off
'ADCON0 = 7
'ANSEL = 0 ' Set I/O to digital

' __ __
' Vcc o| U |o Gnd
' NC GP5 x| |> GP0 Led
' Config. GP4 >| |> GP1 Servo
' Position GP3 >| |< GP2 Pot
' -----

'*** In/Out pins ..................................................

' GND pin8 - Gnd
Output 0 : Symbol LED = GPIO.0 'Led pin7 - Out0
Output 1 : Symbol S_Out = GPIO.1 'Servo pin6 - Out1
Input 2 : Symbol Potar = GPIO.2 'Pot pin5 - In2
Input 3 : Symbol S_Pos = GPIO.3 'S_Pos pin4 - In3
input 4 : Symbol Mode = GPIO.4 'Mode pin3 - In4
' pin2 -
' pin1 - Vcc

'*** Variables .................................................. ..

Position1 VAR BYTE 'W0 Position1 servo
Position2 VAR BYTE 'W0 Position2 Servo
NewADC VAR BYTE 'W1 New ADC Conversion
_NewADC VAR Byte 'W2 =NewADC/10
Pulse VAR BYTE 'W3 Pulse value to servo
State VAR BIT 'W3 Normal/Configuration
Flashing VAR word 'W4 Counter for Led Flashing Frequency
Waiting VAR WORD 'b10-11 Counter for Validation Delay
Space VAR WORD 'b12-13 Pause time between each servo pulse
'depending on the length of the pulse,
'to obtain a standard total Space of 20 msec.

'*** Constants .................................................. ..
FrBlink CON 2 'Flashing Frequency of the Led
TValid CON 150 'Waiting Time for Validation

'================================================= =================================

Read 0,Position1 'Read Positions in Eeprom
Read 1,Position2

IF Position1<75 OR Position1>225 OR Position2<75 OR Position2>225 Then
Position1= 180 'if values outside the limits of a servo
Position2= 120 'Preset Values = 1.2msec, 1.8msec

LET Flashing=0
LET Waiting=0

MAIN: 'Main Loop

IF Mode = 1 Then 'NORMAL Mode
High Led

IF S_Pos = 0 Then 'Read the Desired Position
Pulse = Position1
Pulse = Position2
GoSub UpdateServo 'Update the servo

State = S_Pos

'DO Until Waiting = TValid 'Configuration Loop
IF Waiting <> TValid Then
GoTo Calib
GoTo Out_Calib
'State = S_Pos
Pulse=PotADC*59/100+75 'Converting ADC to Pulse

GoSub UpdateServo 'Update the servo

_PotADC=PotADC/10 'Stabilisation of the inaccuracy
_NewADC=NewADC/10 'of the Pot ADC reading

IF _PotADC=_NewADC Then 'If Pot Position Unchanged
Waiting = Waiting +1 'Increase Waiting Time (Until=TValid)
NewADC=PotADC 'Reset of the Waiting Time

Flashing = Flashing +1
IF Flashing=FrBlink Then
Toggle Led 'Blinking Led
Flashing=0 'Reset cpt Led
'LOOP 'Configuration Loop

GoSub Validation 'The position of the Pot is Stabilised
GoTo Main 'Main Loop
'================================================= ================================
'================================================= ================================


PulsOut S_OUT, Pulse 'ServoPos = pulse values from 75 to 225 (0,75msec to 2,25msec)
Space = 2000 - Pulse '= 20msec - pulse duration
PauseUs Space '
'+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

VALIDATION: 'Storage of the New Position in Eeprom

Low Led 'Waiting to Deselect Configuration Switch Mode !

'LOOP Until Mode = 1 'Mode=1 -->NORMAL Mode

IF Mode <> 1 Then
GoTo Do_Until 'Loop Until Mode = 1 !
GoTo Out_Do_Until 'Mode = 1 = Mode NORMAL


High Led 'OK, Ready to return to Normal Mode

IF State=0 Then 'New position Writing in Eeprom
Write 0,Position1
Write 1,Position2

Flashing=0 : Waiting=0 'Reset Counters
Return 'to Normal Mode

'"== END OF PROGRAM ================================================== ==============

Compiler ERRORS:


- 9th May 2022, 23:25
I switched to Picaxe (also programmable in Basic) and am now trying to adapt my Picaxe program to fit into a Pic12F629.

a Pic12F629 has no adc module ADCIN Potar,PotADC is never going to fly use a Pic12F675

also if you post code please put it in code tags 9220

- 10th May 2022, 00:21
Hi Richard,
Thank you for your quick reply !
I had indeed noticed this small difference between a 12F629 and a 675 and that's why I have these two components in stock!
Inattention error !
It's getting late !
OK, the compiler doesn't give any more errors.

For the code tags, I had searched in the multitude of icons, without success.
I'll keep this in mind for the next few times.
Good night.


- 10th May 2022, 02:27
It's been quite a few years since I played with PICAXE, but what I do remember is that to configure the TRIS Registers, with PICAXE an Output = 1, but with PBP an Output = 0; they're backwards.

Second, with PBP you configure PORT related registers with the PORT -- TRISA = xx, ANSELA = xx... With PICAXE you have a generic PORT register that covers pretty much every PORT pin in one fell swoop (OUTPUT 0, INPUT 1, etc.). In other words, there may be some major changes you need to make to your code.

I found when folks try to help me by handing me answers, I get past the immediate situation, even if I have no clue why the suggestion worked. When folks tell me where to find the answers myself, I can get past my current dilemma, but I then know where to look the next time I run into a challenge. May I suggest spending some quality time with the PBP3 Reference Manual (https://melabs.com/downloads/PBP_Manual_0609_260.pdf), a free download from the ME Labs web site.

My personal journey started with PICAXE about 11 years ago. After about 2 years I upgraded to PBP3. I've since plunged into the dark side with MPLABX. My advice is to download the PBP3 Reference Manual and spend time learning the PBP way of doing things.

- 10th May 2022, 15:58
Hi MpgMike
Indeed, there are several peculiarities to take into consideration when switching from Picaxe (or Basic Stamp) to a Pic.
But they are well documented in the Reference Manual which I consult if necessary.

I personally avoid using the registers that handle i/O and Directions.

I write in clear text in my program, which is then very readable, definitions like this:
Output 0 : Symbol LED = GPIO.0 'Led - pin7 - Out0

In the case of my present application, it was a stupid error of inattention because, indeed, the Pic12F629 does not have an ADC contrary to the 12F675!
This indeed caused incomprehensible compiler errors.
