View Full Version : 12LF1552 -- support?

- 1st April 2022, 16:14
I ordered some 12LF1552 I need for extra ram. Microcode supports it but does PBP gold edition? Can't find that info at melabs.
Also -- is there anything peculiar or special I need to know when I configure it in my picbasic code?


- 1st April 2022, 17:13
It appears to have a unique analog feature CVD. I've not used it, but it involves an output pin. You might want to look that over, as it is not a common feature. My PBP3.1 Gold supports the PIC12LF1552. It's old enough I doubt it was added in any recent updates.

- 1st April 2022, 17:57
There's a list of supported devices available here: https://pbp3.com/devicelist.html and it lists the 12LF1252. Microcode Studio populates the list of microcontrollers from the available supportfiles of the compiler. If you do see the device in the dropdownlist you should be able to compile for it.