View Full Version : SHIFTOUT, I2C, 1-Wire on same pins, possible?

- 12th March 2022, 21:17
As usual, I have a shortage of pins.

Currently, I have 3 pins available, and want to control the following devices with them.

DS3231 (I2C)
APA102C (2 wire serial)
DS18B20 (1-Wire)

The proposal is as follows - DS3231 and APA102C use same data pin, but separate clock pins, and since neither is being queried at same time, this should work as I estimate. But what about DS18B20? If I hook it to DATA pin of these above chips, will it work, when read with OWIN statement, or won't it interfere with functionality of these two chips? And how to set TRIS for that pin?