View Full Version : Syntax error PIC16F684

- 21st September 2005, 18:35
I am getting a syntax error on the following line in my PBP file (PBP V2.45):

CMCON0 = 7

But it's compiles fine if I replace it with:

POKE $19, 7

I rechecked my typing and I am spelling the register name correctly. The other registers can be written to using their names. Why does just this one produce a syntax error? Anyone seen this before?


- 21st September 2005, 18:54
There is a software patch to fix this issue in v2.45... go here and download it...


Version 2.46 doesn't have this problem (but anyone reading this that does have v2.46, there is a patch for that too covering different PICs, so, if you haven't done already, go visit the above link also).