View Full Version : new PIC CLCDesignerTool with simulator and PIC18F support

- 11th September 2021, 16:27
For those with an aversion to MPLABX, or who just want a simple, easy to use standalone tool
there is a new, updated version of the old CLCDesignerTool available.

CLCDesignerTool V4 adds features not available in the original version, including:
* support for all PIC18 devices
* support for up to 8 CLC modules
* CLCSELECT register overlay support
* enhanced device ini file format with improved CLC and PPS input and output selections
* BASIC or C output code generation
* output format selectable to support different dialects of BASIC
* improved file operations (Open, Save, Save As)
* ability to load different device configuration files
* new ViewCode window to preview output
* improved output register settings display

There is also a simulator tool available, allowing you to view the interaction of the various CLC module elements.

The files are available at https://www.sfcompiler.co.uk/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=SwordfishUser.CLCDesignerTool