View Full Version : NCO and DT Interrupts

- 5th June 2021, 22:38
NCO on PIC16F1508.

This project uses NCO and needs an interrupt to flush the accumulator. For historical reasons I'm using ASM_INTS.BAS. This brain doesn't appear to have an FSR, and I can no longer read the left panel on http://dt.picbasic.co.uk. Which is the correct interrupt file for 16F1508? Help in setting up NCO with interrupts appreciated.

I'd already worked out div values in a spreadsheet before finding an NCO calculator on here. This works great, but assumes a default accumulator. The NCO accumulator can be loaded with more convenient values that are multiples of the divider.

The NCO is surprisingly straightforward to use but I get jitter and have to flush the accumulator, hence the interrupt. This project needs 24-25 kHz in 50 Hz steps and it's getting close.


- 5th June 2021, 22:44
And just found it has 2x FSRs...

- 6th June 2021, 01:33
Are you saying you solved your issue?

- 6th June 2021, 21:14
...and I can no longer read the left panel on http://dt.picbasic.co.uk...

I see no problem on the left menu panel. Working as expected for me.


- 7th June 2021, 00:44
No, only that I no longer have an FSR compile error.

- 7th June 2021, 00:46
OK, thank you. Left panel was a narrow browser window issue. My programming machine has a serial terminal taking up the right third :)