View Full Version : Psst, Can You Keep a Secret?!?

- 5th June 2021, 16:00
I was on the phone with Charles Leo at ME Labs this past week, discussing particulars for a long-overdue Nuts and Volts article. He casually mentioned he was working on another PBP update that will cover all the PIC 8-bit parts that MPLABX v5.35 covers. No release date, and no other particulars. Don't tell him I told you so.

- 5th June 2021, 21:02
You are a very naughty boy, I say!


- 5th June 2021, 21:32
Hi, Mpgmike,

just a question about MPLABX 5.35 : Here ( win 10 up to date ) when I close it ... it automatically re-opens !!!

so, I had to turn back to V 5.30 ... to get something usable.

Would you have any idea about that strange behaviour ???

about PBP updates ... may be I'll see them before I can't program any more ... may be !!!

for the spelling corrector Charles was to update, I think we must forget it ... last version was MPLABX 2.35 compatible ... if I'm right ... :rolleyes:

sooooo, just wait and see ...:p


- 5th June 2021, 22:29
I use MPLABX v5.35 all the time. I downloaded & immediately uninstalled v5.40 (more bugs than an Alaskan summer). I dabbled with v5.45 here and there, and am now trying to use 5.50 more. Still, I refuse to get rid of my precious and beloved v5.35. Not sure what your issue is.

- 6th June 2021, 20:59

I'd suggest to uninstall the MPLABX and then very carefully clean any record in the registry about MPLABX.

Try again installation of MPLABX and hopefully it won't re-open.

Win-10 does indeed reload some programs with no apparent reason. I had such an issue with Excel.


- 7th June 2021, 16:46
I had an issue where Visual Studio would automatically start whenever I restarted the computer. I would close it and do another restart. Usually the 2nd time VS wouldn't start. I never had an issue where I close a program and it just restarts automatically. That's a new one for me.

- 8th June 2021, 07:05
Hi, Ioannis

Even after a thoroughful cleaning, the problem comes again ...

Working fine here requires The 5.30 Version ...

Probably a new Win10 " feature " :rolleyes:

Have a nice day


- 8th June 2021, 09:50
I am sorry it didn't work for you. As you say, new Win10 feature! Enjoy it!

Although not 100% close to your problem, it is nice to give it a try:

