View Full Version : 16f1847 hserout

- 1st March 2021, 16:42
Hello Folks -- going to (hopefully) use a 16F1847 with HSEROUT. Always have used the software SEROUT before so this is new territory.

To possibly save time, could someone tell me the commands to configure this chip for using the UART and HSEROUT at 9600 baud please. So much easier to just ask then spend all day searching.

BIG THANKS for any help.

- 2nd March 2021, 05:15
So much easier to just ask then spend all day searching
how are you off for socks and underpants ?

- 2nd March 2021, 07:20
Do this:

On page 154 of the Pic Basic Reference Manual copy the DEFINES and test them to confirm that your circuit works as expected at 2400 baud.

I know it is not exactly what you want but after that giant leap I am sure you will be able to do next steps forward.


- 2nd March 2021, 17:05
My ultimate goal is to interface a 16F1847 to a Raspberry PI 3B with RS485. The PI UART though needs 3.3v but I do see that the 16F1847 will work at 3.3V ? Can anyone verify that it performs reliably at that voltage?

- 2nd March 2021, 18:40
3.3v seems to be working well so far. I breadboarded the pic feeding into the PI uart.

- 2nd March 2021, 19:56
If the datasheet says it works on 3.3Volts there is no doubt that it will. Trust it.


- 2nd March 2021, 22:22
100% 16f1847 work at 3,3v , I worked many time.

- 3rd March 2021, 16:43
Fellas --

Is there any way to simply flip a byte so that MSB becomes LSB or vice versa?
Can't remember what the default is but I need to reverse it (or redo my *^% switches).


- 3rd March 2021, 18:09
FOR i = 0 to 7
Correct.0[7-i] = Mistake.0[i]

Correct = Mistake REV 8