View Full Version : Apparent 2k limit with 4k 16F88

- 30th December 2020, 00:51
Hi Folks,

Season's greetings to all.

I can't seem to compile without a huge list of errors (see attached) when exceeding the apparent
2k boundary of a 16F88 (4k chip). I edited to use a 16F1847 with no difference.

Can someone take a look at the error list and shed some light on what I may be doing wrong? I will send the code if it's needed.

I wish you all a safe 2021.


- 30th December 2020, 02:17
first thing i would try is in code and compile options make sure
generate coff is not ticked

- 31st December 2020, 00:10
Hi Richard,

Thanks for your help - "Generate COFF" is not checked. The strange thing is the code compiles and runs as designed to the 2k limit, but when I add extra text (either via debug or on the LCD) or anything else that pushes the code over 2070 words, it lists all those errors.

My setup hasn't changed so I loaded an old 3k size program I wrote using the F88 and it compiles and runs fine. There is nothing flash about the problem code apart from using DT's Ints and a modified Inc file to run his Elapsed Timer code to 100ths precision, as I said, works well up to 2k only. I edited code and tried with Darrel's standard "Elapsed_INT.bas" and exactly the same result, compiles okay if less than 2071 words. PBP and MPASM v5.71

Any suggestions?


- 31st December 2020, 04:48
i don't see anything in the errors that indicates a code size problem .
i only have experienced those errors when using dt ints or similar with coff generation on or with duplicate includes

perhaps post your code for a more detailed examination

- 31st December 2020, 05:45
Okay, here it is, note as is compiles but uncommenting the debug at line 318 pushes it over and it throws the errors.

See attached also...

'************************************************* ************************************************** *
'* Name : Bubble rate V4-2.pbp #### NON Working Code #### *
'* : *
'* : 2070 words is the limit *
'* Date : 14/12/20 *
'* Device : 16F88 *
'* Version : 4-2 2053 words (PBP *
'* : *
'************************************************* ************************************************** *

' DB0-3 No connection
' DB4 PortA.0 (pin 17)
' DB5 PortA.1 (pin 18)
' DB6 PortA.2 (pin 1)
' DB7 PortA.3 (pin 2)
' RS PortA.4 (pin 3) 10K pullup to 5v due Open Drain.
' MCLR (pin 4) 10k pullup to 5v.
' RW Ground (pin 5)
' Vdd 5 volts (pin 14)
' Vss Ground (pin 5)
' Vo 20K potentiometer wiper (or ground).
' PortB.0 (pin6) Open collector output of sense head, series 1k.
' PortB.1 (pin7) + button (10k pullup to 5v).
' PortB.2 (pin 8) - button (10k pullup to 5v).
' CCP1 PortB.3 (pin 9) Serial in via 22k.
' PortB.4 (pin 10) Stepper coil 1 Or. Each coil 27R with common to Red via ULN2003 driver.
' PortB.5 (pin 11) Stepper coil 2 Ye.
' PortB.6 (pin 12) Stepper coil 3 Pk.
' PortB.7 (pin 13) Stepper coil 4 Bu.
' PortA.6 (pin 15) Serial out via 1k.
' E PortA.7 (pin 16) LCD.

'================================================= ================================================== ======
'================================================= ================================================== ======
#CONFIG ; F88 only

@ ERRORLEVEL -306 ; turn off crossing page boundary message

' -----[ Initialization ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMCON = 7 ' Comparators off, all digital.
TRISA = %00000000 '
TRISB = %00000111 ' Set I/O.

ANSEL = %00000000 ' All digital.

OSCCON = %01100010 ' 4Mhz (F88).
' OSCCON = %01110010 ' 8Mhz (F88).
Define OSC 4 ' Set Xtal Frequency

' Define LCD connections Change these to match your LCD
DEFINE LCD_DBIT 0 ' Starting Data Bit
DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTA ' Register Select Port
DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 4 ' Register Select Bit
DEFINE LCD_EBIT 7 ' Enable Bit
DEFINE LCD_BITS 4 ' Data Bus Size
DEFINE LCD_LINES 2 ' Number of Lines on LCD

DEFINE DEBUG_BIT 6 ' Debug pin bit
DEFINE DEBUG_BAUD 9600 ' Debug baud rate
DEFINE DEBUG_MODE 1 ' Debug mode: 0 = True, 1 = Inverted
DEFINE DEBUGIN_MODE 1 ' Debug mode: 0 = True, 1 = Inverted

'================================================= ================================================== ======
'================================================= ================================================== ======
' Alias pins
ButReady var PortB.1 ' Take this pin low momentarily to Enable timing.
ButReset var PortB.2 ' Take this pin low momentarily to RESET all.
StepA var PORTB.4 ' Active high, input to ULN2003 driver.
StepB var PORTB.5 ' "
StepC var PORTB.6 ' "
StepD var PORTB.7 ' "

' Allocate variables
strAddr VAR BYTE ' Address of data.
char var byte ' Character sent to LCD or Serout.
bbl var BYTE ' Bubbles count.
Targetbpm var word ' Target Bubbles per Minute whole number.
bpm var word ' Bubbles per Minute whole number.
bpmi var BYTE ' Bubbles per Minute integer.
bpmr var BYTE ' Bubbles per Minute remainder.
Tally var word ' Total time between bubbles (2.22 secs @ 27bpm).
Tally2 var byte ' Counter for Av bpm.
Avgbpmt var word ' AVerage of bpm whole total.
Avgbpm var word ' AVerage of bpm whole.
Avgbpmi var word ' AVerage of bpm integer.
Avgbpmr var byte ' AVerage of bpm remainder.
degs var byte ' Degrees of stepper shaft to turn.
ReadyFlag var bit '
RunFlag var bit '
FinFlag var bit '
JumpFlag var bit ' If set then 10 samples taken, jump out.

'wsave VAR BYTE $70 SYSTEM ' alternate save location for W

' Stepper stuff
CounterA var word ' General Counter.
CounterB var word ' Counter for delays.
StepDelay var word ' Inter-Step Delay (uS).
StepReverse var bit ' 0 = Drive Forward, 1=Drive Reverse.
StepOut var byte ' A variable reflecting Stepper Channel Outputs.
StepOnLine var bit ' 0 = Stepper Off-Line (de-energised), 1 = Stepper On-Line (energised).
StepMode var Byte ' 0 = Single Drive A-B-C-D, 1=Two Phase Drive AB-BC-CD-DA, 2=Half-Step A-AB-B-BC-C-CD-D-DA.
StepStatus var byte ' Step Status (a value between 0 and 7) used internally by the StepDrive routine.

Include "MODEDEFS.BAS" ' Include Shiftin/out modes ### Don't know why this stops the compile!
INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas" ' Needs to be assembled with MPASM **********
INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas" ; Include if using PBP interrupts
INCLUDE "Elapsed_INT_Ticks.bas" ; Elapsed Timer Routines *** edited for 1/100ths (Ticks).
' INCLUDE "Elapsed_INT.bas" ; Elapsed Timer Routines.

INT_LIST macro ; IntSource, Label, Type, ResetFlag?
INT_Handler INT_INT, _Bubble, PBP, yes
INT_Handler TMR1_INT, _ClockCount, PBP, yes
INT_CREATE ; Creates the interrupt processor

pause 100 ' Let everything settle...
'latA.6 = 1 ' Prevent garbled serial - newer PICs.
PortA.6 = 1 ' Prevent garbled serial.
debug "I'm Alive",13,10
@ INT_ENABLE TMR1_INT ; Enable Timer 1 Interrupts.

StepOnLine = 0 ' Power-Off Stepper.
Gosub StepDriveRAW ' Act on it.
StepStatus = 0 ' Preset initial Start Point.
StepMode = 0 ' Standard Phase Mode 0.
StepReverse = 0 ' Standard Forward Movement.
ReadyFlag = 0 ' Known state (not ready).
RunFlag = 0 ' Known state (not run).
FinFlag = 0 ' Not Finished.
JumpFlag = 0 ' Zero (Av loop not completed yet).
Targetbpm = 270 ' Whole number (actual 27.0 bpm) value of goal.
bpm = 0 ' Zero the bubble whole count.
bpmi = 0 ' Zero the bubble integer count.
bpmr = 0 ' Zero the bubble remainder count.
Avgbpmt = 0 ' Zero the Av. bpm total count.
Avgbpm = 0 ' Zero the Av. bpm whole count.
Avgbpmi = 0 ' Zero the Av. bpm integer count.
Avgbpmr = 0 ' Zero the Av. bpm remainder count.
Tally = 0 ' Zero the time.
Tally2 = 0 ' Zero the Av. count.
degs = 0 ' Zero the stepper degrees.
GOTO Satu ' Jump over the subroutines area.

'================================================= ================================================== ======
' Subroutines here in the first page...
'================================================= ================================================== ======
LCDOut $FE,$C0," nf Go Rst" ' LCD line 2.

GOSUB ResetTime ' RESET timer.
LCDOUT $FE,$80," " ' Erase LCD posn 1-13 line 1.
RunFlag = 0 ' Allow restart - has not run yet.
FinFlag = 0 ' Not Finished.
ButReady = 1 ' Enable the Ready button.
bbl = 0 ' Zero the bubble count.
bpm = 0 ' Zero the bpm whole count.
bpmi = 0 ' Zero the bubble integer count.
bpmr = 0 ' Zero the bubble remainder count.
Tally = 0 ' Zero the time between bubbles.

Timing: ' Displays the time like a clock, waits until SecondsChanged = 1, displays the time, then resets the flag.
IF TicksChanged = 1 THEN
if Seconds <= 10 then
LCDOUT $FE,2," ",DEC1 Seconds,".",dec2 Ticks ' Leading zero suppression. ############# " "
LCDOUT $FE,2,DEC2 Seconds,".",dec2 Ticks ' Only Secs, Hundredths.
TicksChanged = 0

'Stepper Drive Subroutine
' From wherever the current step position happens to be this routine will drive Forwards or Backwards. If the Stepper
' happens to be parked in an illegal step for the current Mode, then it will ensure that the Stepper increments a
' one-half step first... this ensures that if the stepper is in position AB, and needs to increment TWO steps forwards
' in Mode 0, it increments AB-B-C rather than AB-C-D.
StepDrive: ' This section determines what the NEW StepStatus should be, depending on the Mode and Direction of step.
If StepReverse = 0 then
If StepMode = 0 then
Lookup StepStatus,[2,2,4,4,6,6,0,0],StepStatus

StepDriveRAW: ' All Stepper Coils low (disabled).
Low StepA
Low StepB
Low StepC
Low StepD
If StepOnLine = 1 then ' Energise Coils to New Settings.
' This Lookup table represents [A,AB,B,BC,C,CD,D,DA]
Lookup StepStatus,[1,3,2,6,4,12,8,9],StepOut
StepA = StepOut.0
StepB = StepOut.1
StepC = StepOut.2
StepD = StepOut.3
'================================================= ================================================== ======
' Program area...
'================================================= ================================================== ======
Satu: ' Operation when system first powered up.
GOSUB ResetTime ' Reset Time to 0d-00:00:00.00 (located in "Elapsed_INT.bas")
gosub Line2 ' Fill in lcd line 2 " nf Go Rst".
goto Running ' Jump.
' goto TestStepper ' Jump to stepper test code.

gosub Timing ' Displays time like a clock, waits until ?Changed = 1, displays the time, then resets the flag.

if RunFlag = 0 then ' Has not run yet.
if ButReady = 0 then ' Only run if Enable pushed.
pause 1000 ' Ensure not mid-bubble.
@ INT_ENABLE INT_INT ; Enable external (INT) interrupts.

' NOTE for some reason a For/Next loop causes weird problems so If/Endif used below marked ***.
if FinFlag = 1 then ' Has run.
RunFlag = 0 ' Enable.
@ INT_ENABLE INT_INT ; Enable external (INT) interrupts.
Tally = (Seconds*100)+Ticks ' Total time between bubbles e.g. 222 = 2.22 secs.
Tally2 = Tally2+1 ' Incr the Average counter.
if Tally2 = 10 then ' 10 samples. ***
JumpFlag = 1 ' Av loop completed, prepare to jump.
Avgbpmt = 0 ' Reset Av total count.
Avgbpm = 0 ' Reset Av whole count.
Avgbpmi = 0 ' Reset Av integer count.
Avgbpmr = 0 ' Reset Av remainder count.
LCDOUT $FE,$C0," " ' Clear count area.
endif '
bpm = (60000/Tally) ' Whole number e.g. 60000/222 = 270.
bpmi = bpm/10 ' Extract integer e.g. 60000/222 = 270/10 = 27
bpmr = bpm//10 ' Extract remainder. 0
Avgbpmt = Avgbpmt+bpm ' Total Av. whole.
Avgbpm = Avgbpmt/tally2 ' Extract Av. whole.
Avgbpmi = Avgbpm/10 ' Extract Av. integer.
Avgbpmr = Avgbpm//10 ' Extract Av. remainder.
@ INT_DISABLE TMR1_INT ; Disable Timer 1 Interrupts.
debug # tally2,", Avgbpmt ",# Avgbpmt,", Avgbpm ",# Avgbpm,", Avgbpmi ",# Avgbpmi,10,13
@ INT_ENABLE TMR1_INT ; Enable Timer 1 Interrupts.
LCDOUT $FE,$88,dec2 bpmi,".",dec1 bpmr," bpm" ' Feedback. Tilde (~) is 126 but this lcd shows -> instead.
if tally2 < 10 then ' Single digits, leading zero blanking.
LCDOUT $FE,$C0," ",dec1 tally2'," ",dec2 Avgbpmi,".",dec1 Avgbpmr," Avg" ' Feedback.
LCDOUT $FE,$C0,dec2 tally2'," ",dec2 Avgbpmi,".",dec1 Avgbpmr," Avg" ' Feedback.
endif '
LCDOUT $FE,$C2," ",dec2 Avgbpmi,".",dec1 Avgbpmr," Avg" ' Feedback.
pause 5000 ' Enough time to read.
if JumpFlag = 1 then UseStepper ' Av loop completed, jump.
gosub reset ' Reset selected vars to run again.
gosub Timing ' Refresh clock time.
ButReady = 0 ' Psuedo Enable pushed.
pause 1000 ' Ensure not mid-bubble.
@ INT_ENABLE INT_INT ; Enable external (INT) interrupts.

If ButReset = 0 then gosub reset' Run again.
goto Running ' Loop until button is pressed.

UseStepper: ' Run the valve adjuster.
' Speed and performance is dependent on the mass and inertia of the stepper and it's load. The Delays may require
' consideration to make the Ramp-Up/down more applicable to the hardware and environment.
StepOnLine = 1 ' Bring Stepper On-Line (0 = all Stepper Coils Disabled).
Gosub StepDriveRAW ' All Stepper Coils low (disabled).
LCDOut $FE,1 ' Clear and home display, Line 1.

Tally2 = 0 ' Reset sample count for next cycle.
'@ INT_DISABLE TMR1_INT ; Disable Timer 1 Interrupts.
debug " at Stepper area",10,13
'@ INT_ENABLE TMR1_INT ; Enable Timer 1 Interrupts.

' Compare measured Average to target and jump to correct any variation.
Avgbpm = 280 ' ****** Test value ******
select case Avgbpm ' Whole number e.g. 270 (27.0 bpm).
case Targetbpm ' Target value.
pause 60000 ' Wait about 1 minute.
goto Running ' Repeat monitoring.
case is > Targetbpm ' Too fast, close valve.
degs = 2 ' Move only 2°.
goto CloseLoop ' - jump to close valve (CCW, Forward) stepper code.
case is < Targetbpm ' Too slow,
degs = 2 ' Move only 2°.
goto OpenLoop ' - jump to open valve (CW, Reverse) stepper code.
end select

' 'Forward' code sees motor shaft move CCW (looking at shaft, closes needle valve).
CloseLoop: ' Slow Ramp-Up Stepper, 1 step per 0.7° (360° = 512 steps).
LCDOut $FE,2,"Closing ",dec1 degs,$DF ' Line 1.
debug "Closing ",dec1 degs,$DF,10,13
For CounterA = 0 to 2 step 1 ' 3 steps ~ 2° (2.1°).
Gosub StepDrive
StepDelay = 65500-(CounterA*32)
PauseUS StepDelay
Next CounterA
' Gosub StepDriveRAW ' All Stepper Coils low (disabled).

pause 5000 ' Time to read
LCDOut $FE,2,"Resting " ' Line 1.
'debug " ",10,13 '
for CounterB = 0 to 999 ' 1000 iterations.
pause 6'00 ' Wait about 10 minutes to settle HS-23.
next '
goto Running ' Repeat monitoring.

'' Run at constant Speed of 200 rpm (or so) for 3 Seconds
' LCDOut $FE,2,"Hold 200rpm" ' Line 1.
' For CounterA = 0 to 2000
' Gosub StepDrive
' PauseUS 1500
' Next CounterA

' 'Reverse' code sees motor shaft move CW (looking at shaft, opens needle valve).
OpenLoop: ' Slow Ramp-Down Stepper
If StepReverse = 0 then ' Change direction.
StepReverse = 1 '
StepReverse = 0 ' To be sure.
LCDOut $FE,2,"Opening ",dec1 degs,$DF ' Line 1.
debug "Opening ",dec1 degs,$DF,10,13
For CounterA = 2 to 0 step -1 ' 3 steps ~ 2° (2.1°).
Gosub StepDrive
StepDelay = 65500-(CounterA*32)
PauseUS StepDelay
Next CounterA
' Gosub StepDriveRAW ' All Stepper Coils low (disabled).

pause 5000 ' Time to read
LCDOut $FE,2,"Resting " ' Line 1.
debug "Resting ",10,13 '
for CounterB = 0 to 999 ' 1000 iterations.
pause 6'00 ' Wait about 10 minutes to settle HS-23.
next '
goto Running ' Repeat monitoring.

'---[INT - interrupt handler]---------------------------------------------------
Bubble: ' Bubble detected to get here.
if RunFlag = 0 then ' Has not run yet.
GOSUB StartTimer ' Start the Elapsed Timer.
RunFlag = 1 ' Has run.
ButReady = 1 ' Single shot, disabled.
bbl = bbl+1 ' Incr the count.
endif '

if RunFlag = 1 then ' Has run.
GOSUB StopTimer ' Stop the Elapsed Timer.
FinFlag = 1 ' Finished.
@ INT_DISABLE INT_INT ; Disable external (INT) interrupts.

- 31st December 2020, 06:14
compiles just fine, its only 2059 words by my system

uncommenting the debug at line 318 pushes it over and it throws the errors.

can you be more specific , i don't see anything there to un comment

- 31st December 2020, 06:22
if you mean
debug " ",10,13 '

then it still complies and size goes to 2077

- 31st December 2020, 06:28
Yes, the commented line above " for CounterB = 0 to 999 ' 1000 iterations."

That's weird, I can't get past 2070 words.

Feel free to add a bunch of anything to blow the code size out and see if it still compiles. I certainly can't - which begs the question what is different on your machine?

- 31st December 2020, 06:34
my dt-ints is in pristine condition

- 31st December 2020, 07:21
Hi Richard,

Thanks for the hint, yes changing my DT int's to v1.1 from 1.0 did the trick. Frustrating thing about it was I'd downloaded it a looonng time ago and didn't overwrite the old version at the time...

It does show though the inadequacies of the error field - not a lot of help if you are not a guru.

All the best for the New Year and do your best to stay away from New South Welshmen.


- 31st December 2020, 07:29
Thanks for the hint, yes changing my DT int's to v1.1 from 1.0 did the trick. Frustrating thing about it was I'd downloaded it a looonng time ago and didn't overwrite the old version at the time...

mine is , as i say pristine ...
'* Name : DT_INTS-14.bas *
'* Author : Darrel Taylor *
'* Version : 1.10 (8/13/2010) *
'* Date : OCT 13, 2009

All the best for the New Year and do your best to stay away from New South Welshmen.

yes , the good sentiment is returned