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View Full Version : How to trap incoming Calls/SMS when no RING pin is available

- 27th July 2020, 13:50
Hi All,

As I'm playing with different GSM modules, I'm stumbling on SIM5320E and SIM5360E that have no easily accessible "RING" pin (like on SIM800/SIM900/etc modules) which I normally use to trap an incoming call/SMS via an External Interrupt of the PIC.

8907 8908

In fact, they do have a "RING" indicator (Pin 69 of both modules) but it is not lead to an external pad or pin which makes it difficult to use unless one solders a wire directly on the chip's pin (I don't even know if it would work - not tried yet).

Since lots of modules seem to be made like that, my guess is that there must be a software method to trap incoming call/SMS.

Shall I start to use UART interrupts (never done before...) or is there another way to go?

- 31st July 2020, 13:39
That would be most reliable way to go.
Also you can call every ms something like this:

Hserin 2,NoData,[WAIT(13,10),STR RecBuffer\100\10]
This will capture date betwen two CRLF, and modem send one at start and one at end of line.
Then just check content of buffer, does it contain "RING"...

- 2nd August 2020, 17:31
Thanks pedja089,

I have effectively started this way ;-)