View Full Version : PIC equivalent 80c51

- 10th May 2020, 07:24

Like to dust off my picbasic on a new project....so wondering if there is a pin compatible PIC equivalent to the 80c51?
It's a 44pin Quad flat pack. Hence ideally need somethign I can lift off the original micro and replace with a PIC.


- 10th May 2020, 13:04
Many Microchip devices come in 44 TQPF and QFN. But the chances of Vcc and Vss lining up are pretty low.

PPS will be your friend (for once).

Probably better to make a daughter board.

- 10th May 2020, 16:48
In addition to the PIC12_6_8F offerings, there are also dsPIC30_3 and PIC24 PICs; albeit they are not covered by PBP. I barely glanced at the 8051 data sheet, so I know virtually nothing about them. I do know the Atmel AT89S52 is a direct replacement. Microchip recently acquired Atmel, so you can work with it in either the Atmel Studio 7.0 or MPLABX IDE (but not PBP).

- 11th May 2020, 12:05
There really is no shortage of 8051 dev environments, there's even Bascom if you want Basic.