View Full Version : Count command

- 6th September 2005, 18:35
1.Question: If i use the command

A var Word
COUNT PortB.0,1000,A

will i get how many times PortB.0 changed its status for example from high to low (from 0V to 5V )? Did i understood ok?
If for example changed it 1012 (from 0V to 5V ) times i will have 1012 in A variable?

2.Question: Does anybody knows what are the values of volt
that correspond to logic 0 and logic 1 to command count and PIC in general?
For example if 2.3V happens in POrtB.0 pin will it think that it is logic 1 or logic 0 at PortB.0 ( in PIC) or will it count it like plus one pulse (in count command) in variable A.

Thanks in advance and sorry for my silly questions.I start learning PICS now.

- 6th September 2005, 19:04
q1. You're right
Q2. Datasheet, DC Characteristic. search for Vil and Vih