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View Full Version : fast programmer recommendations

- 2nd September 2005, 15:40
I am looking for a new programmer to ICSP program 16F627A, 16F819 & 16F505. I am currently using the EPIC parallel programmer with microcode studio plus. I like the bubblesoft pocket programmer but have not found a supplier. Olimex rates their PIC-ICD2 the fastest programmer when programming 32K into a 18F452.

Any recommendations would be appreciated!



- 2nd September 2005, 19:44
I used to program chips with Picstart Plus but was too slow. Now I am using the Elnec (www.elnec.com) Pikprog+ that has ICSP and is very fast especially on 'F819 chips.

Also good support and frequent updates.


- 3rd September 2005, 12:01
I heard often about ELNEC but never have a look to their website before. Interesting to know that ELNEC are really the same as BK Precision. Just the name change i guess.

So i agree ELNEC/BK Precision one are really great, online updatable, support ICSP. About the speed: Fair to good, oh well for sure faster than PICSTART, that's for sure.

I have this BK Precision 844A since a long time and he never failed. Even, update comes before those for PICSTART ... funny :)

About Olimex ones... i've never used those. Comments seems to be different from a person to another. Mostely.. almost good.

MicroChip ICD-2 seems to be a smart choice too.

- 3rd September 2005, 15:32
I have tried 4 or 5 different types of programmers.

In terms of programming speed PICSTART+ is a pain
and some PIC types are still not supported.

I can recommend the MicroChip ICD 2
it is fast, and reliable.

If I had purchased the ICD 2 in the first place I would have saved quite some time and money.

Mike, K8LH
- 3rd September 2005, 17:03
If I had purchased the ICD 2 in the first place I would have saved quite some time and money.
I agree, and was pleasantly surprised by the performance after building one based on a popular Serial ICD2 clone design...

Regards, Mike

- 7th September 2005, 06:12
Thank you all for your recommendations!
I ordered an ICD2 clone w/ USB to try.


- 7th September 2005, 14:12
By the way, today I received the ICD2 from microchip, about 250 Euros. How much did cost the clone?