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View Full Version : MicroCode Studio not displaying full microcontroller list

- 7th July 2017, 06:49
Something I have done in the last week has resulted in MicroCode Studio only displaying 16F628A and 18F25K20 in its Microcontroller list. I Have PBP 3.1 installed and activated and MicroCode Studio Most of my projects use 18F2580 and I have never had anything like this happen before.

- 7th July 2017, 08:40
That's weird.
When MCS starts it populates the dropdown list with the content of the file x.DEVICES where x is either 1,2,3 or 4 depending on which version of PBP you have licensed. 4.DEVICES is for GOLD for example. The files are located in the root PBP3 directory.

Is it possible that you've manage to delete or corrupt that file? You can open them in Notepad and take a look.

You can always re-install and see of that fixes it.


- 9th July 2017, 06:52
Thanks Henrik for your comment. The only way I was able to fix the problem was to uninstall both MicroCode Studio and PBP3.1, reboot the machine and re-install.