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View Full Version : Mitel MT8870D & PIC16F628 - ATV Repeater DTMF Control Help

- 3rd February 2004, 11:57
Hi all,

I've been away from the PICBASIC scene for some time and only now am I trying to pick up the project where I had left off about 18 months ago!

I had writen some untested code for a 16F628 to allow DTMF controll of a ATV Repeater using a Mitel MT8870D decoder.

The idea was to allow basic functions by pressing *1 .. then there would be an advanced mode which would need a passcode, this would be accessable using *2 then entering the code, the final mode would be close down of transmitter by pressing *9 then entering another different code.

As I remeber I was using lookdown tables for the access pass codes.

I'm a little lost as to where I was at but I would appreciate if someone experienced would look through the code and see if there were any major mistakes also could I tidy up the code any?

Here is the code ..


'Program to use data from a Teltone M957 DTMF IC to select different
'operations on a ATV Repeater.

' July 2002 Copyright M0CKE

INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"

'Port Definition

dt0 VAR PORTA.0 ' bit 0 of dtmf
dt1 VAR PORTA.1 ' bit 1 of dtmf
dt2 VAR PORTA.2 ' bit 2 of dtmf
dt3 VAR PORTA.3 ' bit 3 of dtmf
ST VAR PORTA.4 ' strobe input from dtmf M957
O1 VAR PORTB.0 'Output 1
O2 VAR PORTB.1 'Output 2
O3 VAR PORTB.2 'Output 3
O4 VAR PORTB.3 'Output 4
O5 VAR PORTB.4 'Output 5
O8 VAR PORTB.7 'Output 8


dtmf VAR BYTE ' dtmf variable holder
C VAR BYTE ' Tones rcvd counter variable
G VAR BYTE ' Sequence counter variable
J VAR BYTE ' Table counter variable
A VAR BYTE ' DTMF Variable First Digit
B VAR BYTE ' DTMF Variable Second Digit
T VAR WORD ' Timer
K VAR BYTE ' TX Kill Latch

'Main Program

TRISA = %11111 'Set Inputs
TRISB = %00000000 'Set Outputs
T=3001 'Set TX ON
high O8 'DTMF error off


dtmf = 0 'Reset DTMF Register
C=0:G=0:J=0 'Clear Variables
IF T>3000 Then 'Set TX on if Timer is more than 5 Minutes
IF K=0 Then High O5 'Unless Kill is active
IF T<3000 OR K=1 Then Low O5 'Set TX off if Timer is less than 5 Min
IF T>9999 Then T=3001 'Reset Timer to 5 Minutes
GoSub GetDtmf 'Get DTMF Code
A=dtmf 'Var A = Sum of DTMF codes
IF B=0 Then GoSub GetDtmf
IF A=11 AND B=1 Then GoTo Normal 'If *1 Then Normal Mode
IF A=11 AND B=2 Then GoTo Advanced 'If *2 Then Advanced Mode
IF A=11 AND B=9 Then GoTo Engineer 'If *9 Then Engineer Mode
GoSub Error
GoTo Main

Pause 100
IF ST = 0 Then GetDtmf ' no digit received
IF PORTA.0 = 1 Then 'Check Input port 0
dtmf = dtmf + 1
IF PORTA.1 = 1 Then 'Check Input port 1
dtmf = dtmf + 2
IF PORTA.2 = 1 Then 'Check Input port 2
dtmf = dtmf + 4
IF PORTA.3 = 1 Then 'Check Input port 3
dtmf = dtmf + 8
IF dtmf>12 Then GoSub Error

C=C+1 'Add 1 to Tone Count Register
LookDown dtmf,["0482391756"],J 'LookDown Table
IF J=0 Then GoSub Error
IF J=0 Then Main
IF C=1 AND J=1 Then Key 'Check Codes are sent in correct order
IF C=2 AND J=2 Then Key
IF C=3 AND J=3 Then Key
IF C=4 AND J=4 Then Key
IF C=5 AND J=5 Then Key
IF C=6 AND J=6 Then Key
IF C=7 AND J=7 Then Key
IF C=8 AND J=8 Then Key
IF C=9 AND J=9 Then Key
GoSub Error
GoTo Reset

G=G+1 'Add 1 to Gate Register if Codes are in correct order
IF C=9 AND J=9 AND G=9 Then
GoTo Shutdown 'If all counters tally do command
GoTo Engineer

C=C+1 'Add 1 to Tone Count Register
LookDown dtmf,["0814293"],J 'LookDown Table
IF J=0 Then GoSub Error
IF J=0 Then Main
IF C=1 AND J=1 Then Keys 'Check Codes are sent in correct order
IF C=2 AND J=2 Then Keys
IF C=3 AND J=3 Then Keys
IF C=4 AND J=4 Then Keys
IF C=5 AND J=5 Then Keys
IF C=6 AND J=6 Then Keys
GoSub Error
GoTo Reset

G=G+1 'Add 1 to Gate Register if Codes are in correct order
IF C=6 AND J=6 AND G=6 Then
GoSub AdvCode 'If all counters tally do command
GoTo Advanced

AdvCode: 'Advanced user section
Pause 100 'Pause for timer
A=0 'set registers to 0
GoSub GetDtmf 'Get DTMF tones
A=dtmf 'Register A = value of first DTMF character
IF B=0 Then GoSub GetDtmf 'Check Register B is empty then get second DTMF character
IF A=10 AND B=10 Then T=0 'Commands (Kill TX for set time)
IF A=1 AND B=1 Then T=3001 'Commands (Enable TX)
IF A=12 AND B=12 Then GoTo Reset 'If ## then reset
GoTo AdvCode

Normal: 'Normal user section
Pause 100 'Pause for timer
A=0 'set registers to 0
GoSub GetDtmf 'Get DTMF
A=Dtmf 'Register A = value of first DTMF character
IF B=0 Then GoSub GetDtmf 'Check Register B is empty then get second DTMF character
IF A=1 AND B=1 Then High O1 'Commands
IF A=2 AND B=1 Then Low O1
IF A=1 AND B=2 Then High O2
IF A=2 AND B=2 Then Low O2
IF A=1 AND B=3 Then High O3
IF A=2 AND B=3 Then Low O3
IF A=1 AND B=4 Then High O4
IF A=2 AND B=4 Then Low O4
IF A=12 AND B=12 Then GoTo Reset 'If ## then reset
GoSub Error
GoTo Normal

Shutdown: 'TX Shutdown Section
IF O5=1 Then 'If Output is High
Low O5:K=1 'Set Output O5 Low (Shutdown TX)
High O5:K=0 'Set Output O5 High (Enable TX)
GoTo Reset

Error: 'DTMF Error Section
low O8 'Set pin O8 high - Main PIC
Pause 100 'Pause for Timer
high O8 'Set pin O8 Low


Thanks for any help or advice you may have.



- 31st July 2006, 15:52

I´m quite new to develop a software to use at PIC 16F628, i´m looking for code like you mention before at your project, i need a sample i would like to ask you if have any code with works 8870 decode with pic16f628???

Elias Rabelo Brazil

- 31st July 2006, 16:06
maybe you can find some info on the following thread